gerry mccann - Uma visão geral

Además, dice pelo manter-se segura do su identidad ya qual sus padres nunca le han facilitado su certificado do nacimiento. De hecho, dice tener 21 años porque eso es lo qual le han dicho sus padres pero no tiene ninguna prueba do ello.

In 2020, the McCanns farewelled the year saying it was one they "don’t want to remember but will find it hard to forget".

Según Julia, ella tiene propriedades por Madeleine saiba como una peca en las piernas y un puntito cerca del ojo y estas supuestas pruebas las comparte en sus redes sociales.

Wendell also alleges to recognize a police sketch of a potential suspect, claiming him to look similar to her abuser.

Ela e os irmãos estavam sozinhos no quarto, porém ESTES pais e ESTES amigos se revezavam de modo a checar saiba como estavam as crianças. Foi Nesse caso qual perceberam qual a menina havia sumido.

Julia hopes to make direct contact with the parents of Madeleine, who vanished age three, in the coming days.

Professor McCann’s research is focused on clinical imaging and conducting randomized controlled trials. His work has been quoted in multiple International guidelines and the CvLPRIt trial helped change the guidelines on patients presenting with STEMI and multivessel disease.

In a post published on Friday, the woman claimed a verdade história to have spoken to someone who was alleged to be Madeleine's cousin, and who told her she could "have a possibility" to talk to Kate and Gerry McCann to arrange a DNA test.

Julia, from Poland, claims to have a freckle on her leg and a speck in her eye in the same places as the British girl, as well as ­looking similar to parents Kate and Gerry.

Julia Wandelt, 21, went viral last week after posting on social media, claiming that she is Madeleine, and posting evidence including birth marks that look similar to the missing British girl.

La forma de los ojos y la sonrisa de Madeleine, así como demás rasgos faciales de los progenitores de la menor, fueron publicados y comparados por esta mujer, qual pidió a las autoridades policiales por su país y del Reino Unido cotejar las muestras por ADN.

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Meanwhile, the artist prepared a sketch of a man carrying Gerry McCann’s daughter. Jane Tanner a person from the Tapas Seven saw the unknown man carrying the girl in the night.

"¡Gracias por vuestro apoyo! Kate y Gerry McCann han accedido a fazer el test de ADN", indicaba la joven polaca en la biografía por su perfil.

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